Wednesday, April 24, 2019


This space is specifically for our NTPS Elementary Staff to receive updates and information about Science and Engineering instruction with the Next Generation Science Standards. We also call them Washington State Science Learning Standards in our state. When you are searching NGSS standards, be sure to look at the "Topics Arrangement," as that's how we are using them in North Thurston Public Schools. You can search through them here if you are curious!

NGSS - search by grade levels, topic "bundle" arrangements- Link

One of the biggest changes for our elementary classrooms is getting students engaged in Engineering as part of Science instructional time. Engineering aims at creating a solution to a human need, and often students build prototypes or models to test whether a solution could work.  Here's a brief video that outlines the differences between Science and Engineering:

EiE Spotlight- The Difference Between Science and Engineering- Link

See those tabs up top of this post? Those will take you to content specific to each grade level. Sometimes there will be updates to teaching resources, sometimes links to videos that may be helpful clarifying concepts with students (or for ourselves), and sometimes photos of what science looks like in elementary classrooms. Thanks for taking the time to stop by, we hope you'll visit often.

Interested in collaborating around Science?   Click here

Happy Science!
Jana Brock
NTPS Elementary Science Instructional Specialist